A little video of Matty

My darling daughter posts videos on Facebook to make her mother happy.

Funny [HQ] –Matty –May 2010

Hello world!

My Gorgeous Grandson,Mattias

Who knew that being a grandmother would be so exciting and fun.  Remembering when I was a new mother,I was a nervous wreck having never had much to do with babies before.   Now I’m relaxed and I’ve had enough sleep to really,really enjoy my blessed grandson who smiles and giggles with so much delight.  I watch my daughter in awe and fascination and wonder where she got the ability to mother in such a relaxed way.  She certainly did not get it from me.


Growing up,I never had a grandmother close. One was in Germany and the other was in Scotland. I was in Canada.

So not having a role model,it's all completely new to me and I LOVE IT. It's so much fun having these lovely little babies to play with. Still learning what being a Granny is all about.