Gotta Dance

Matty loves to dance.


Twitching of Abby on Sesame Street

Click on the link to see Jedda twitching over her favourite tv character –Abby Cadabby.



Made me laugh

Recently I was watching an old episode of the Good Wife and fell over laughing.  This is such a funny scene and I have to get my grandkids one of these.


Warning:High pitched shrieks.

Recently my daughter did a video of her children as they watched it.   I still think they are both adorable even with the squealing.

Squeals of Delight

Jedda Turns One

Jedda turned one on March 6th.   How did the time move so quickly?   Remembering the day she was born seems only a short while ago.   I made it over to Vancouver Island to spend some time with the kids and was able to be there for the birthday party.   There were grandparents everywhere.  <grin>   Here’s a couple of photos of the birthday girl before the party started.  Playing with Granny.  The Birthday girl playing with Granny.


And here I am blowing on one of those curly party favour thingys.  Matty had twisted it so it blew vertical instead of horizontal.  Interesting that it kind of looks like the number 1.   Anyone know what these are called.

Granny? Grandma? Nana?

Before our grandchildren are born,  we decide what we want them to call us.   I chose Granny which is what I called one of my grandmothers.  My other grandmother was Omi which is the German word for Grandma.    My grandchildren have two other grandmothers,  Famor (danish) and Grandma.

A friend of mine is about to become a grandmother and someone posted the following link.

What Do People Around The World Call Their Grandparents?

Mathias –Hockey Boy and Timelapse

Two new videos of our Matty.   The first shows what a huge Vancouver Canuck fan he is and the second is a timelapse from birth to now.

Hockey Boy

Mathias’Time Lapse

Jedda Crawling and Growling

Our little Jedda started crawling just after Christmas.   My daughter posted two videos showing her progress.   Also at Christmas,I noticed that she growls and my daughter caught that on tape as well.  Click on the links below to check them out.

Jedda –short crawl

Jedda –Hall Crawl

Jedda Growls

Homemade Play Dough

Homemade Play Dough

Found this recipe online.

The secret to this recipe??
Two things:First,Cream of Tarter… it’s what helps the dough stay together. and Second,not a lot of salt… all that salt dries out your dough!

Ready to make it? Here we go:

1 C Flour
1 C Water
1/4 C Salt
1 TBSP Vegetable Oil
2 tsp Cream of Tarter
Food Coloring (actual coloring or a kool-aid packet will do)
Sparkles (If you wanna be a fun mom!)
Sauce Pan and Wooden Spoon
Little helping hands.

Pour in all ingredients. (No particular order… each time is different for us.. and it always turns out the same.)
(I used the NEON food coloring… cause everything is better neon… but feel free to use a koolaid packet sitting in your cupboard.)

Stir until everything is mixed well.

Once the mixture is (mostly) clump free. Heat over MEDIUM heat.

Stir. Don’t stop stirring. After a few minutes it will start to clump up.

Stir,Stir Stir.Just keep stirring until the Play Dough is formed. It will  form one big clump

Remove from heat,and knead by hand. (This is my favorite part! It’s so warm and squishy! hah) Note:I forgot to add sparkles in the mix at the beginning,so I just kneaded the sparkles in and it turned out just fine.

Once cooled it’s ready to go. Package it up for some party favors or stocking stuffers. (Baby food containers work GREAT!

Or grab your cookie cutters,plastic scissors,rolling pin,etc.. and let your toddler go to town.

Here’s the source for this recipe with photos of the steps.


Growing up,I never had a grandmother close. One was in Germany and the other was in Scotland. I was in Canada.

So not having a role model,it's all completely new to me and I LOVE IT. It's so much fun having these lovely little babies to play with. Still learning what being a Granny is all about.