Getting Closer to the Move

Early this month,   I headed over to Nanaimo for a week to visit my family and then my daughter and the children came back to Mayne Island to spend eight days visiting and getting my house in order to put on the market.   My other daughter,actually my Fairy Goddaughter,arrived a couple of days later and stayed for five days.   We worked so hard to get the house in order.   By the time they left,the real estate agent had me sign all the papers and I now have a sign in front of my house and there is a webpage online advertising it.

Now I have to keep it looking tidy and clean.  Shouldn’t be too hard.  We sent off a huge truck full of junk to the dump (thank you,Per) so there is much less in my house now.

The entire family will be back this Saturday and more will be done.   I’m so looking forward to having them all here and the fun part of it is that we will be having Matty’s 2nd birthday party here on the island on Sunday.  His birthday is actually the 31st of August but since they will all be here,my daughter thought it would be a perfect opportunity.

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Growing up,I never had a grandmother close. One was in Germany and the other was in Scotland. I was in Canada.

So not having a role model,it's all completely new to me and I LOVE IT. It's so much fun having these lovely little babies to play with. Still learning what being a Granny is all about.