Jedda Turns One

Jedda turned one on March 6th.   How did the time move so quickly?   Remembering the day she was born seems only a short while ago.   I made it over to Vancouver Island to spend some time with the kids and was able to be there for the birthday party.   There were grandparents everywhere.  <grin>   Here’s a couple of photos of the birthday girl before the party started.  Playing with Granny.  The Birthday girl playing with Granny.


And here I am blowing on one of those curly party favour thingys.  Matty had twisted it so it blew vertical instead of horizontal.  Interesting that it kind of looks like the number 1.   Anyone know what these are called.

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Growing up,I never had a grandmother close. One was in Germany and the other was in Scotland. I was in Canada.

So not having a role model,it's all completely new to me and I LOVE IT. It's so much fun having these lovely little babies to play with. Still learning what being a Granny is all about.