A New World

My front porchIn the midst of the flurry of decluttering my house and getting it ready to put on the market,a couple of major changes happened.   First,  I decided to take all blinds and curtains down from the windows.   It brightened up the interior of the house a lot and I felt much more connected to the world outside.    The second thing that happened was that I decided to stop smoking in the house.  So for the past three weeks,when it’s time for a cigarette,  I move out to the front porch.

Some interesting changes have resulted from this.   For the first time since I started my business,I am getting up from the computer and taking breaks.   I’m also much more in touch with the nature outside my house.   I watch the birds swooping about,the butterflies crowding around my Buddlea (Butterfly Bush),a small treefrog that came to visit and I see my neighbours in their gardens and walking around the point.    I’ve also cut down on my smoking which is a good thing.    And my favourite change is that I am thinking more while I sit out on the deck.  I intentionally don’t bring out anything to read or do and just think.    The realization hit me that prior to these changes,  I was usually staring at a screen (computer or tv),reading,or talking on the phone.   In younger days,I loved thinking and would sit for long periods of time ruminating about life etc.    Thinking about it now,  I think I stopped the habit when I became a mother.  I was always running about chasing a little girl and had little time to just sit and meditate anymore.     And then of course,right around the time,my daughter graduated from high school and moved out,  I was busy starting a business and thought only about that for many years.

It’s an interesting dynamic how changes begets change and these two simple changes have brought me back to such a simple habit that I enjoy so much.

Treefrog who came and had a nap on the bench on my front deck.

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Growing up,I never had a grandmother close. One was in Germany and the other was in Scotland. I was in Canada.

So not having a role model,it's all completely new to me and I LOVE IT. It's so much fun having these lovely little babies to play with. Still learning what being a Granny is all about.